الأربعاء، 17 يوليو 2013

X Window

X Window

Designed for client/server operations, X Window defines a protocol for writing client/server applications based on a graphical user interface (GUI). The idea is to allow a program, called a client, to run on one computer and have it display things through a window server on another computer.

الأحد، 16 يونيو 2013

Line Printer Daemon - LPD

Line Printer Daemon - LPD

The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol - also known as the Berkeley printing system is designed for printer sharing.UNIX was the original target for LPD usage, originally developed for BSD UNIX systems and there are many types of LPD software for UNIX printing available today.

The LPD protocol uses a client/server model. An LPD printer may be an IP address of the PC on the network, or it could be a device, in addition to the queue name. Each queue has it’s own settings with instructions of where to send and what to do with the file. LPD software is usually installed on the PC receiving the print files from the host system. Or, the LPD software can be installed on a print server that has a list of the network printers it may print to.

Line Printer Request- LPR

An LPR (Line Printer Request) typically sends the print request or print file to the address (IP) of the Line Printer Daemon, whether on a PC or Server.A print job consists of 2 files, a data file that contains the actual data to be printed, and a control file that contains information about the data file, such as its name and attributes. The control file may be sent to the LPD server before or after the data file. 
An LPD will listen for messages on the TCP port 515 from various programs such as LPR, LPRM, LPQ, LPC programs. LPD isn’t limited to local messages, it can also listen to network messages from a remote client using the LPD protocol.
Line Printer Daemon Softwar
RPM Remote Print Manager is one of the best line printer daemons on the market. RPM installs on Windows and receives print files from ANY host system (mainframe, midrange, UNIX, Linux, and Windows®) via TCPIP and print them to your Windows printer (networked, local or shared). RPM has many features that a standard LPD or print server do not offer. RPM can take a print job and save it to disk for archiving or processing, email it, convert the print job into PDF or HTML and more.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - SMTP

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) , answering our ubiquitous call to email, uses a spooled, or queued, method of mail delivery. Once a message has been sent to a destination, the message is spooled to a device—usually a disk. The server software at the destination posts a vigil, regularly checking the queue for messages. When it detects them, it proceeds to deliver them to their destination. SMTP is used to send mail; POP3 is used to receive mail.

Network File System - NFS

Network File System (NFS) is a jewel of a protocol specializing in file sharing. It allows two different types of file systems to interoperate. It works like this: Suppose the NFS server software is running on an NT server and the NFS client software is running on a Unix host. NFS allows for a portion of the RAM on the NT server to transparently store Unix files, which can, in turn, be used by Unix users. Even though the NT file system and Unix file system are unlike—they have different case sensitivity, filename lengths, security, and so on—both Unix users and NT users can access that same file with their normal file systems, in their normal way.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol -TFTP

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is the stripped-down, stock version of FTP, but it’s the protocol of choice if you know exactly what you want and where to find it, plus it’s so easy to use and it’s fast too! It doesn’t give you the abundance of functions that FTP does, though. TFTP has no directory-browsing abilities; it can do nothing but send and receive files. This compact little protocol also skimps in the data department, sending much smaller blocks of data than FTP, and there’s no authentication as with FTP, so it’s insecure. Few sites support it because of the inherent security risks.

File Transfer Protocol -FTP


File Transfer Protocol, FTP was first proposed on April 16, 1971 by Abhay Bhushan for and developed for implementation on hosts at MIT and was later defined by RFC 959 published in 1985.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the protocol that actually lets us transfer files, and it can accomplish this between any two machines using it. As a user, you can use FTP with a simple command line interface (for example, from the Windows MS-DOS Prompt window) or with a commercial program that offers a graphical user interface.. It is also important to realize that FTP is insecure. When your username and password are sent to the server they're both sent as plain text and could be intercepted and read. 

If your server supports SFTP or FTP with TLS encryption, we suggest one of them instead of plain FTP to help keep your information private.

Accessing a host through FTP is only the first step, though. Users must then be subjected to an authentication login that’s probably secure.
Though what you’ll gain access to will be limited. Even when employed by users manually as a program, FTP’s functions are limited to listing and manipulating directories, typing file contents, and copying files between hosts. It can’t execute remote files as programs.
 with passwords and usernames implemented by system administrators to restrict access. You can get around this somewhat by adopting the username anonymous.

How It Works

TCP and IP are the two major protocols that keep the internet running smoothly. TCP manages data transfer while IP directs traffic to internet addresses. FTP is an underling of TCP and shuttles files back and forth between FTP server and FTP client. Because FTP requires that two ports be open--the server's and the client's--it facilitates the exchange of large files of information.
First, you as client make a TCP control connection to the FTP server's port 21 which will remain open during the transfer process. In response, the FTP server opens a second connection that is the data connection from the server's port 20 to your computer.
Using the standard active mode of FTP, your computer communicates the port number where it will stand by to receive information from the controller and the IP address--internet location--from which or to which you want files to be transferred.

If you are using a public--or anonymous--FTP server, you will not need proprietary sign-in information to make a file transfer, but you may be asked to enter your email address. If you are using a private FTP server, however, you must sign in with a user name and password to initiate the exchange of data.
Modes of File Transfer
Three modes of transferring data are available via FTP.
The system can use a stream mode, in which it transfers files as a continuous stream from port to port with no intervention or processing of information into different formats. For example, in a transfer of data between two computers with identical operating systems, FTP does not need to modify the files.
In block mode, FTP divides the data to be transferred into blocks of information, each with a header, byte count, and data field.
 In the third mode of transfer, the compressed mode, FTP compresses the files by encoding them. Often these modifications of data are necessary for successful transfer because the file sender and file receiver do not have compatible data storage systems.

Passive FTP

Should your computer have firewall protection, you may have difficulties using FTP. A firewall protects your PC by preventing internet sites from initiating file transfers. You can circumvent your firewall's function by using the PASV command that reverses the FTP process, allowing your computer to initiate the transfer request.
Many corporate networks use PASV FTP as a security measure to protect their internal network from assaults of unwanted external files. Also called passive FTP, the process requires that any transfer of information from the internet or other external source must be initiated by the client or private network rather than the external source.
Passive FTP mode is used by some newer FTP servers on the Internet to better work with firewalls. Microsoft Internet Explorer includes a setting for Passive FTP (sometimes called "PASV") mode. You may need to either enable or disable this setting to allow Internet Explorer to work as an FTP client with a given FTP server. Follow these instructions to make it happen.
Here's How:
1.    Open Internet Explorer from the Start Menu or command line.
2.    On the Internet Explorer menu, click Tools to open the Tools menu.
3.    On the Tools menu, click Internet Options... . A new Internet Options window will appear on the screen. 
4.    In the Internet Options window, click the Advancedtab.
5.    First, find the setting called Enable folder view for FTP sites (located near the top of the list of settings). Ensure this feature is disabled (unchecked). Passive FTP mode in Internet Explorer will not work unless this feature is disabled.
6.    Next, find the setting called Use Passive FTP (located approximately halfway down in the list of settings).
7.    To enable the Passive FTP feature, set the checkmark in the box next to the Use Passive FTP setting. To disable the feature, clear the checkmark. Alternately set and clear the checkmark by clicking once inside the checkbox.
8.    Click OK or Apply to save the Passive FTP setting.
1.    It is not necessary to reboot your computer to enable or disable Passive FTP.

Further FTP Security

In response to the need for a more secure transfer process for sensitive information such as financial data, Netscape developed a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol in 1994 that it used primarily to secure HTTP--HyperText Transfer Protocol--transmissions from tampering and eavesdropping. The industry subsequently applied this security protocol to FTP transfers, developing SFTP, a file transfer protocol armored with SSL for protection from hackers.

FTP Commands

Using this command you will have the capability of toggling back and forth between the operating system and ftp. Once back in the operating system, typing exit will take you back to the FTP command line.
Access the Help screen.
Append text to a local file.
Switch to ASCII transfer mode
Turns bell mode on or off.
Switches to binary transfer mode.
Exits from FTP.
Changes directory.
Exits from FTP.
Deletes a file.
Sets debugging on or off.
Lists files if connected.

dir -C = Will list the files in wide format.
dir -1 = Lists the files in bare format in alphabetic order
dir -r = Lists directory in reverse alphabetic order.
dir -R = Lists all files in current directory and sub directories.
dir -S = Lists files in bare format in alphabetic order.
Exits from FTP.
Get file from the computer connected to.
Sets globbing on or off. When turned off the file name in the put and get commands is taken literally and wildcards will not be looked at.
Sets hash mark printing on or off. When turned on for each 1024 bytes of data received a hash-mark (#) is displayed.
Access the Help screen and displays information about command if command typed after help.
Displays local directory if typed alone or if path typed after lcd will change local directory.
Sends a literal command to the connected computer with an expected one line response.
Lists files of the remotely connected computer.
Multiple delete.
Lists contents of multiple remote directories.
Get multiple files.
Make directory.
Lists contents of multiple remote directories.
Sent multiple files
Opens address.
Enables or disables the prompt.
Send one file
Print working directory
Exits from FTP.
Same as the literal command.
Receive file.
Get help from remote server.
Renames a file.
Removes a directory on the remote computer.
Send single file.
Shows status of currently enabled and disabled options
Toggles packet tracing.
Set file transfer type.
Send new user information.
Sets verbose on or off.

Telnet Protocol

Telnet is the chameleon of protocols—its specialty is terminal emulation. It allows a user on a remote client machine, called the Telnet client, to access the resources of another machine, the Telnet server. Telnet achieves this by pulling a fast one on the Telnet server and making the client machine appear as though it were a terminal directly attached to the local network. This projection is actually a software image—a virtual terminal that can interact with the chosen remote host.
These emulated terminals are of the text-mode type and can execute refined procedures such as displaying menus that give users the opportunity to choose options and access the applications on the duped server. Users begin a Telnet session by running the Telnet client software and then logging into the Telnet server.